Terms of Use

1. User Agreement

1.1. This user agreement (referred to as the Agreement) outlines the terms for using the website hator.com (referred to as the Site) between the Site Administration and an individual user (referred to as the User). It governs how the User provides information for the Site’s use.

1.2. A User is anyone who accesses the Site and is of legal age to accept this Agreement.

1.3. The User must review this Agreement before making any orders on the Site. Registration on the Site implies full acceptance of this Agreement. If the User disagrees with any terms, they must stop using the Site immediately.

1.4. The Site Administration may modify this Agreement unilaterally without prior notice. These rules are public and accessible.

1.5. The Agreement consists of the following sections governing the rights and responsibilities of the User and the Site Administration:

  • Terms of Site Use
  • Privacy Policy
  • Limitation of Liability
  • Termination Procedure

2. Terms of Site Use

2.1. The Site permits the viewing and downloading of information for personal, non-commercial use only. Altering the site’s materials or distributing them for public or commercial use is prohibited. Information on the Site cannot be used on other websites or within computer networks.

2.2. By registering and placing orders, the User agrees to provide accurate and truthful information about themselves and their contact details.

2.3. Users can contact the Site Administration with questions, claims, suggestions for improving the Site’s functionality, or other information. Users must ensure their communications do not contain illegal, threatening, intellectual property-infringing, defamatory, or otherwise unlawful content.

3. Rights and Obligations of the Site Administration

3.1. The Site Administration reserves the right to:

  • Request information from the User necessary for using the Site.
  • Modify, publish, and delete any information on the Site.
  • Publish any content and feedback provided by the User during service provision without restrictions or compensation.

3.2. The Site Administration is obligated to:

  • Provide access to the Site according to this Agreement.
  • Inform the User about the rules and requirements for using the Site.

4. Rights and Obligations of the User

4.1. The User has the right to:

  • Access the Site according to the terms of this Agreement.
  • Receive additional information about the Site’s operation.

4.2. The User is obligated to:

  • Use the information obtained from the Site responsibly.

Avoid actions that:

  • Interfere with other Users’ ability to use the Site.
  • Cause malfunctions to the Site or other users’ devices.
  • Disrupt public order, including using offensive language or insulting other Users.
  • Defame the honor, dignity, or business reputation of the Site Administration, contractors, or other Users through online or public information.

5. Agreement Termination Procedure

5.1. This Agreement constitutes a contract. The Site Administration reserves the right to amend or introduce new terms to this Agreement. Changes become effective upon their publication on the Site. Continued use of the Site after changes implies acceptance of the new terms.

5.2. This Agreement takes effect upon the User’s first visit to the Site and remains valid as long as the User uses the Site.

5.3. The Site is the intellectual property of the Site Administration. All proprietary rights belong to the Site Administration. Users may use the Site only within the framework of this Agreement and intellectual property laws.

5.4. All trademarks and names referenced in the Site’s materials are the property of their respective owners.

5.5. The User agrees not to reproduce, duplicate, or copy any part of the Site unless explicitly permitted by the Site Administration.

5.6. This Agreement is governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Netherlands. Any unresolved issues under the Agreement will be addressed according to the legislation of the Netherlands.

6.Limitation of Liability

6.1. The Site Administration is not responsible for any errors, typos, or inaccuracies in the materials on this Site. The Site Administration makes every effort to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information on the Site. All information and materials are provided “as is,” without guarantees, explicit or implicit.

6.2. The information on the Site is constantly updated and may become outdated at any time. The Site Administration is not responsible for receiving outdated information from the Site or the User’s inability to receive updates to the information stored on the Site.

6.3. The Site Administration is not responsible for the statements and opinions of visitors to the Site left as comments or reviews. The opinion of the Site Administration may not coincide with the opinion and position of the authors of reviews and comments. The Site Administration takes all possible measures to prevent the publication of messages that violate current legislation or moral norms.

6.4. The Site Administration is not responsible for possible unlawful actions of the User concerning third parties or third parties concerning the User.

6.5. The Site Administration is not responsible for the User’s statements published on the Site.

6.6. The Site Administration is not responsible for damages, losses, or expenses (actual or potential) arising in connection with the Site, its use, or inability to use it.

6.7. The Site Administration is not responsible for incomplete, inaccurate, or incorrect provision of the User’s data when placing an order.

6.8. If problems arise in using the Site, disagreement with specific sections of the Agreement, or receipt of inaccurate information from third parties, or offensive information, or any other unacceptable information, please contact the Site Administration to analyze and eliminate the relevant defects, restrict and prevent the receipt of unwanted information on the Site, as well as, if necessary, restrict or terminate the obligations to provide services to any User and client who intentionally violates the provisions of the Agreement and the operation of the Site.

6.9. To this end, the Site Administration reserves the right to delete any information posted on the Site and take technical and legal measures to terminate access to the Site for users who create problems for other Users’ use of the Site or users who violate the terms of the Agreement.

7. Personal Information of the User

7.1. The Site Administration respects and responsibly handles the confidential information of any person visiting the site. By accepting this Agreement, the User consents to the collection and use of certain information about them according to the Site Administration’s privacy policy. The User also agrees that the Site Administration may collect, use, transfer, and process information related to the User’s orders for service provision.

7.2. The Site Administration undertakes to collect only the personal information voluntarily provided by the User when the information is necessary for service provision (improvement).

7.3. The Site Administration collects both primary personal data, such as name, surname, address, and email, and secondary (technical) data – cookies, connection information, and system information.

7.4. The User agrees that the confidentiality of data transmitted over the Internet is not guaranteed if accessed by third parties outside the technical means of communication controlled by the Site Administration. The Site Administration is not responsible for damages caused by such access.

7.5. The Site Administration may use any information collected through the Site to improve the website’s content, its refinement, to transmit information to the User (upon request), for marketing or research purposes, and for other purposes not contrary to current legislation.